Sakis Papadimitriou - Piano Voices

We proudly present the latest work of Sakis Papadimitriou, one of the greatest Greek piano players, composers and improvisers. This is his first vinyl release since 1988. Piano Voices is about a man and a piano. It's about a research of what a musician can produce mentally, emotionally and physically. It's about what this instrument can offer in its wholeness, not just its black and white keys but its entire body. This is more than an avant-garde album. It's an amalgamation of Mr. Papadimitriou's wisdom, gained in his long artistic journey.
All music by Sakis Papadimitriou
Recorded by Yannis Mavridis at Cue Productions, Thessaloniki (GR), May 18-19 2017 .
Mixed and Mastered by Yannis Mavridis & To Tsouko.
All tracks in this album were recorded in one session, without any editing or overdubs.
Artwork by Replica
Piano Voices by Sakis Papadimitriou